Drug Detox Centers in Booneville, Arkansas
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(877) 262-6566
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List of Drug Detox Centers in Booneville, Arkansas & Mental Health Services near Booneville, Arkansas
List of Addiction Counseling Services near Booneville, Arkansas
For Immediate Assistance
Speak with a Drug Detox Center in Booneville, Arkansas
(877) 262-6566
Additional information about Booneville, Arkansas
Booneville is a city in Logan County, Arkansas, United States and the county seat of its southern district. Located in the Arkansas River Valley amongst the Ouachita and Ozark Mountains, the city is one of the oldest in western Arkansas. The city’s economy was first based upon the railroad and Arkansas State Tuberculosis Sanatorium, but has evolved into a diverse economy of small businesses and lively industry as the ahead of time drivers have disappeared. Booneville’s population was 3,990 at the 2010 census.
Booneville supports a community center, a senior-citizens center, a community hospital, a municipal airport, and new studious facilities. Hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, and other outdoors goings-on are readily welcoming in available national forests and own up parks.