
Drug Detox Centers in Fordyce, Arkansas


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For Immediate Assistance

Speak with a Drug Detox Center in Fordyce, Arkansas

(877) 262-6566



Looking for a Drug Detox Center in Fordyce, Arkansas?

Drug detoxification is very common in Arkansas. It is a process of removing the drug from your body. It is important for you to consider this when considering entering drug rehab or an outpatient treatment program.


Detox is also important to avoid relapse and relapses. If your drug addiction is just beginning, you may find it necessary to begin the detox process at a later time.


Detox in Fordyce is a safe, gentle and humane process. The staff is highly trained to give you the best possible treatment for drug withdrawal. There is no harm in using an outpatient treatment center if you are feeling overwhelmed or depressed about your situation. You will receive personalized care.


Detox in Fordyce follows the most recent evidence-based programs for helping individuals recover from drug addiction. Each drug detoxification program will vary based upon your needs and unique circumstances. They will be tailored to fit your individual needs.


When a patient is first admitted for detoxification, he or she will receive a complete physical examination. This includes blood work, urine tests, CT scan, ECG and a complete physical exam. After completing the assessment, the detox center will assign you a personal medical practitioner or therapist.


During the drug detox process, a physician may administer anti-nausea and anti-seizure medication to alleviate any symptoms of the withdrawal. Your family members or friends will likely be advised to use the same drug to ease the symptoms and lessen the chances for relapse. After the withdrawal process is complete, the physician and family member can decide whether you have to take medications on a daily basis or only once a week.


During the drug detox program, you will be able to eat foods that are safe to eat with no additives, preservatives, or colors. You will be given nutrition counseling and help in finding a new job. You will likely need to stay at the program for one week.


If you are ready for more treatment, you may want to consider an inpatient program instead. There are several different inpatient treatment facilities to choose from in the area. You should do your homework and talk with your doctor or counselor before deciding which is the right option for you.


The staff at the inpatient treatment program will discuss with you the medications that are prescribed for detoxification, the withdrawal symptoms and whether or not you should be using other medications while detoxing. It is important that you stay on top of your medications. You should also make sure that you are getting enough rest so that your body can heal fully.


The inpatient program will also address other issues that may arise while you are in the program. This may include dealing with stress and anxiety as well as dealing with your finances, family and friends. Many inpatient treatment programs will allow you to attend on your own time during the program.


If you choose to go to an inpatient center, you will be able to return to your regular activities and social situations as soon as you leave the center. Even though you will have to stay for a period of time, you will not have to return to the center for every visit. Each week you will be scheduled to see your doctor and receive treatment. You will be able to move through the program as you have strength and confidence each week.


Once you have successfully completed the program, you will need to attend an outpatient facility so that you can participate in the group or therapy offered at the center. Each day, you will receive treatment for the addiction that you have dealt with while in the center. You may also participate in group therapy sessions, individual counseling and group activities.


With the outpatient treatment program, you may be able to go home after your first week. If you are not happy with the center, you can request to go home on a day pass.


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List of  Drug Detox Centers in Fordyce, Arkansas & Mental Health Services near Fordyce, Arkansas


List of Addiction Counseling Services near Fordyce, Arkansas



Drug Detox Centers in Fordyce, Alabama



For Immediate Assistance

Speak with a Drug Detox Center in Fordyce, Arkansas

(877) 262-6566





Additional information about Fordyce, Arkansas

Fordyce is a city in Dallas County, Arkansas, United States. The population was 4,300 at the 2010 census, down from 4,799 in 2000.

The city is the county seat, home to the 1911 Dallas County Courthouse.

Within Fordyce there are 19 sites listed upon the National Register of Historic Places, including the Fordyce Home Accident Insurance Company. The town was named for Samuel W. Fordyce.


Drug Detox in Fordyce, Arkansas
Drug Detox in Fordyce, Arkansas
Drug Detox in Fordyce, Arkansas
Drug Detox in Fordyce, Arkansas
Drug Detox in Fordyce, Arkansas
Drug Detox in Fordyce, Arkansas
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