Pacific Grove Hospitality is an accredited alcohol and drug rehab. This rehab is a treatment facility in the Santa Barbara area for alcoholics and other substance abusers. It is located at 1012 Westwood Blvd., just off of Rodeo Drive.
Addiction Treatment: This facility was established in 1973 and is one of the first addiction treatment centers in Southern California. It is known for its treatment for both adults and children, as well as drug addicts. This rehab also deals with the underlying factors that lead to addiction. The staff at Pacific Grove works with their clients to create a program that will effectively treat them, while giving them the tools they need to get and stay sober.
Inpatient Treatment: This is a long-term rehab that offers both short term and long term treatment programs. The treatment offered at this rehab is designed to treat both the physical and psychological effects of substance abuse.
Outpatient Treatment: This type of treatment focuses on keeping the client at the rehabilitation center. This is often necessary for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction or for those that need to attend specialized classes at the addiction center. The outpatient treatment is often used for treatment that requires that a client be treated on their own schedule and for people who need less attention from their rehab team and support system.
Drug Detox: This is an intensive detoxification that is usually performed within the outpatient setting of the treatment facility. The detox program is designed to help a person get rid of the physical cravings that have caused them to become addicted in the first place. This program is usually conducted by a group of professionals in a group setting with the client as the primary patient.
Residential Treatment: This type of treatment involves staying at the treatment facility for extended periods of time and is sometimes recommended for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction or those who have had traumatic events that lead them to become addicted. Residents in residential treatment are not allowed to leave the facility unless it is for medical or religious reasons, as well as to provide privacy to the client.
Home Detoxification Program: This is often recommended to those recovering from substance abuse and want to go on a more short-term detoxification program. It is done on an outpatient basis at the home of the client and involves one or two to three detoxification sessions over a six-week period. This helps to keep the client motivated and helps the client to stay sober for as long as possible.
These are just a few of the substance abuse facilities in the Los Angeles area. Other rehabs include the Betty Ford Center, Celebrity Rehab Center, Crossroads and The Ranch. These are just a few examples of the treatment facilities in the area.
All substance abuse treatment centers are different. However, they all provide similar services including individual and group therapy, family therapy, detox programs, one-on-one counseling and outpatient treatments. They may also offer some special treatments such as behavioral modification, cognitive behavioral therapy and pharmacology.
When you choose a substance abuse treatment center in the Los Angeles area, you will find that you can expect to get the help and guidance that you need. Most treatment centers are run by dedicated staff and have well trained, certified, licensed, and licensed therapists. These professionals can work with you to help you address all of your needs so you can reclaim your life.
Some centers have a specific set of rules that must be followed to ensure your safety while at the center. Some treatment centers may require you to follow a strict diet and exercise regimen while at the treatment center. In order to keep yourself safe, you should bring along a prescription medication such as Advil and Tylenol to be sure that you are following the right protocol while being monitored.
There are also some treatment centers that may have a one-on-one therapist that will give you individual counseling and one-on-one therapy. This individual will be able to help you create a schedule and meet with you once or twice a week to discuss your daily activities and to get your mind in check. There is no doubt that a qualified and trained therapist can provide you with the strength and confidence that you need to face the challenges you face as a recovering addict.